A reflection of work created on Ba Graphic Communication, at Cardiff School of Art and Design, UWIC.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Thursday, 30 July 2009
First Entry - Reflective Journal
Hi Im Rob and this is my BLOG! This first entry is just a little bit of information about my first year at CASD (UWIC), and some of the things I liked and learned! Hope you find it interesting
First Entry
Introductory Project - Map Project
This project was a beneficial start of the first year, as it introduced a problem for us to solve in groups, and use visual language and communication effectively to display the outcome. Our group chose to create a 3D drawn outcome to display the levels and areas of the 'N Block' in which we are situated to study Graphics. From the feedback and experience, I gained knowledge of working in groups, as well as realising how many different ways there are of communicating information, not necessarily literally, but also metaphorically.
The CCS lectures were conducted on a weekly basis, in which I was provided with a VAST knowledge of Design history, Modernism/Postmodernism, General Art history, and other sub topics such as photography, deconstruction (Jamie Reid - Never Mind the Bollocks - Sex Pistols during the rebellious 'Punk Era') From learning the different backgrounds of where various people were coming from in terms of creating design, it makes it ever clearer in understanding the fundamentals and rules to creating design today.
To help back up our skills and learning, we were made to do several presentations, be it in groups or alone to demonstrate to the rest of the group our understanding of the discussed topic during that day. Coming from a background of minimal speaking experience, and not having to give presentations very often, I found this to be of huge benefit in boosting confidence when talking to groups, and the experience alone meant that I gained better presenting skills naturally.
We were presented with the task of producing an two essays over the course of the first year (available to view here) on a question of our choice, relating the the CCS lectures, to provide a clear understanding of the knowledge obtained from the lectures. The first essay was on modernism itself, which was fairly straight forward. For the second (which I enjoyed more) I picked to answer a question defining the difference between modernism and postmodernism, and whether in fact, there was a clear line between the two eras or instead, whether they flow into one another... I feel that the essays will explain this in more depth. :)
image projects
We had our group split in two, and half of us did image and the other half did word, and vice versa. For image we had Ray to aid us in accomplishing out goals, which proved to be worthwhile overall. If there's one thing I gained from the image modules, it was never to think of the obvious when given a task, but instead always look into the best and most effective way of communicating with the audience - be it metaphorically or symbolically. As we were not allowed to use text, it challenged my thinking a great deal, and meant that I was able to think for myself and produce thumbnails to show visuals and help me progress with the things that worked, and leave behind the things that didn't.
After having several illustrator workshops and taking it upon myself to learn the ropes, I also became a lot more coherent with the way illustrator works, after having never used it really before I came on the course. I was however fairly strong with photoshop, but I have of course, and still am learning new things all the time for that as well.
Word Projects
The word projects we were given were very interesting, and probably gave me the more in terms of knowledge than the image modules, even though both were valuable. After Ruth nailed into in my head that thumbnails are definitely a good idea (as the screen hurts your eyes and is too small haha) then I found myself getting though a lot of sheets of A3... Even though I was not used to this way of working, I can now see that it produces great results, and also means that clients and the audience of your work can clearly identify one rough visual which appeals to them more then the others, which is a great way of making sure that you are working on your strongest design.
Ruth also did a really great idea which I will incorporate into all my work now. This was to get fellow designers (target audience) to go around and tick the designs they liked the best, so there was no bias and so I could gain an insight into others' opinions - great idea!!!! Thanks Ruth.
InDesign knowledge was obtained in this module, along with Quark (industry Standard) which I found interested as I had never used either of them before, and now feel I can use both.
Corporate Identity
Later on in the year we were given a task of producing a corporate identity for a company we were given, all of different genres. I was given a bike courier, which I elaborated on and changed to a monkey bike courier. I was pleased with the progression to the final outcome of my work, but due to breaking my wrist found it difficult to be in contact with Olwen (project supervisor) and for that ended up with a grade which I was not overall happy with for the effort I put in, but nether less feel I got a lot out of this project and liked how it felt like a real brief this time, and we were working with real time schedules.